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My Journey To Becoming Me


The journey to becoming myself started with "giving happiness a try." Here is a bit of how I got here!

I had never really seen true, lasting happiness. My parents didn't exhibit solid marriages or what a peaceful home could be like. Being a parent looked awful, stressful, and like something I didn't want to be a part of. Money seemed like it was far beyond reach and like it would always be a struggle.

For years I dealt with depression, anxiety, crippling nightmares, and even self-harm. I never felt safe enough to be myself - honestly, I didn't know who she was! I knew I liked art, music, and photography. Still, I was shamed for much of my creative expression because my parents didn't understand.

I moved out at a young age, found a great job, got into a serious relationship, bought a house, and was supposed to be happy. I wasn't.

All the while, I had these intense pulls toward the unknown. Things like psychics, ghosts, and the paranormal. I never knew that my interest in those things was because my soul was trying to put me on the path to my higher calling or that part of my depression was being caused by the dismissal and disconnection from my higher self and my intuitive gifts.

Light Love and Spirit started as a blog documenting my journey of stepping into myself.

I didn't know what I was doing, where I was going, or why I was so determined to get there. I just knew I wanted to get happy, and I was going to allow that happiness to find me.

It was all so foreign to me. Though I was interested in psychics, it was more like a "wouldn't that be cool?" than me actually believing in them. So when I was told by a medium that I was myself a medium, I was pretty skeptical, but it all made sense.

I think I wrote my first blog in 2014. At that time, I was learning about meditation and intuition, and I had no plan or idea of what I was doing. I just knew I meant business when I looked up and said I wasn't willing to be scared anymore, and I wanted to do "this." I wanted to be happy, I wanted to love who I was, I wanted to accept myself.

Almost immediately, I was guided to my path toward becoming.

Meditation guided me to do deep healing work with my inner child. Pushed towards people who needed messages I was channeling to them (though I had no idea at the time), pushed to share my experience, and tested my faith all along the way.

My journey to happiness was an intense unraveling of things I thought I knew, experiences that shaped me, patterns I didn't want to see, and all of the ways I had been holding myself back.

Come to God moment holds true for my process.

Before my awakening, I was agnostic, and after, I know without a doubt I am constantly guided and supported - too many things have happened, too many moments of being saved, redirected, and mini miracles for me to believe anything else.

Why am I telling you all of this? I'm not sure, really! I just know someone needs to hear that life has a funny way of getting you where you need to be. I never once thought that all of the crazy shit I've been through would ultimately lead me to serve others.

I never thought I would be able to speak to spirit, channel messages that make both me and my clients have breakthrough moments, or even that I would have my own business, let alone one that supports other people.

Throughout the years, I have grown and changed and uncovered so much about myself. I was meant to shed these layers to see the bigger picture to help spirit convey the messages to others that they need to.

A spiderweb of healing, if you will - not conducted by me - but by spirit and our higher selves.

I am forever honored and grateful to be doing this work, and I am blown away that I am, for the first time, about to be on a waitlist for a season. This is your reminder that you can do anything, and you can have it all!

You can have happiness.

Seasons of life get hard, and they challenge us, but with faith in ourselves and asking for help and asking for seeing ourselves THROUGH the eyes of the Source, God, our higher selves, we will be shown the way.

We will be granted internal peace, no matter the struggle, because we will feel that support.

Isn't peace all we are ultimately searching for anyway?

The secret is you. It's learning who you are, what you like, who you want to be, and showing up unapologetically as her/him day in and day out. It's not letting the opinion of others get to you because you are on your path, and they are on theirs.

This is your time, your season, your awakening, your growth….just go for it, whatever it is… like I tell my kids, you can grow up and be anything you want to be AS LONG AS YOU'RE HAPPY!

I just want to say I love you, see and feel you. So does your spirit team!

After 5 more mediumship bookings and 4 more private coaching spots, I will be on a waitlist to work with me privately until further notice. I am beyond honored and grateful that this is where life has taken me.

Courses will always be open and available and are a great way to "work with me" as your guide if the investment of private coaching is too much right now.

For now, I have 4 spots total open for 6-month and year coaching. If you are ready to work with me or continue working with me, I highly suggest grabbing and reserving your spots now as I believe it will be a minimum of 6 months waitlist as I just had two back-to-back long-term clients sign up!

I would be honored to guide and support your becoming alongside your spirit team!

Keep becoming,



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