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Intuitive Do’s and Don’ts during Spooky Season

Spooky season is upon us and I love this time of year! We dress up, have all things pumpkin, the smell of bonfires fills the air, and the spirit activity is at an all-time high! The veil is at its thinnest making it the best time of year to hone in on your intuition, get a mediumship reading, and connect to spirit yourself! 

Your intuition is such a powerful tool when you learn how to trust it. Intuition shows up in the form of messages, signs, visions, and even dreams! Those dreams can get quite intense during this time of year, so I thought I would share with you how to best manage it! 

Let’s talk about intuitive do’s and don’ts of spooky season! 

Intuitive Don’ts! 

Fall is a fantastic time of year for learning to work with your intuition; however, it’s not the time to go all in without knowing what you’re doing and practicing safely! I teach my students how to safely connect and disconnect in my Intuitive Development Course and private coaching. 

  1. Don’t use ouija boards, pendulums, or try to connect with spirit if you haven’t taken the proper steps to protect your energy and space! 

  2. Don’t ignore the weird sounds, feelings, and dreams you’ve been having! 

  3. Don’t overdo it with the horror movies! Us intuitvites are initially drawn to all things ghosty before we get a handle on our gifts. Once we learn how amazing and (powerful) this gift is we are very intentional with what we focus our energy on and lemme tell ya - ghosts and low-vibe entities AIN’T it, sister! 

  4. Don’t forget, what you focus your energy on grows! Focus wisely. 

Do set spiritual boundaries! 

Recently, both of my kids and I have been having very similar nightmares with the same storylines, characters, and more.  As a psychic kid, I used to deal with debilitating nightmares, so learning to manage my dreams and set boundaries was one of the very first things I taught myself to do when I started my intuitive development journey! 

In addition to the recurring nightmares, recently, I’ve been feeling quite a bit of spirit activity in my home. This comes as no surprise, given that the veil is thin, and we have had countless people in my house working on some renovations. All this to say, I have not smudged or reset my spiritual boundaries in quite some time! 

10 Signs You Need To Reset Your Spiritual Boundaries 

  1. You’re noticing weird things in your home. Shut doors, open cabinets, things that typically you don’t do. 

  2. You’re having unmatched vivid or intense dreams like never before.

  3. Nightmares out of nowhere. 

  4. You feel like someone is in the room with you, particularly if you wake up in the middle of the night. 

  5. You’re hearing random noises such as clicks, banging, music, etc. 

  6. You simply feel something has been off with the energy in your home.

  7. You’ve had a lot of people in and out of your home.

  8. Recent arguments, sickness, trouble sleeping, etc.

  9. You do any kind of spiritual work! 

  10. You simply haven’t set them in a while or at all! 

Do also make sure to do the following as an intuitive during spooky season!

Setting spiritual boundaries is easy! The following blogs will help you step by step, and booking a 1:1 coaching call will help to identify who/what is trying to get your attention and how to set personalized boundaries for you and your family and your specific needs!

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