A sequel, a secret, a true gift you can thank me for later.
It's okay with me if this ruffles some feathers; in fact, I expect it will....
You shouldn't tell others about your goals. Not your mom, your brother, your spouse, your friends.
Yes, I said it.
I need you to understand this: There is something sacred about your desires. They were placed on your heart by your higher power and your higher self. Your spirit knows that your desires are meant to be in your experience. They are sacred and meant to be kept close to the heart.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying your loved ones don't support you. In fact, it's likely the opposite! They love you so much that they don't want you to get let down and waste your money - time -or energy on something they think will fail.
Here's the thing - they don't understand your dreams, desires, or goals because it wasn't put on THEIR HEART on THEIR SPIRIT.
They might not have the courage or the entrepreneurial spirit you do! So they will try to keep you safe. And as harsh as it may sound, they may not have your best interest at heart…jealousy can wreak havoc on goals and dreams.
And remember how last week we talked about decision-making? Their decision that your thing won't work might be stronger than your decision (at the moment) that it will.
Do you really want someone else energy to weigh your dreams down when it takes so much work to lift them up?
I get deeper into the subject of who to tell and who not to. What to tell and what not in today's episode!
What would it be like to be in constant contact with your intuition? To know and trust the decisions you're making? To feel guided instead of pushing against the grain?
I invite you to book a session with your spirit team and I! Ask them questions, connect with yourself on the deepest level, and experience the bliss of your spirit team!