When I was a kid if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would have either said an artist or a babysitter. Yes…those were my life goals. I got my wish in becoming a babysitter when my mom had two little girls 10 years after I was born. Even back then it seems that I was aligned with the Law of attraction, be careful what you wish for, ha!
I was always an artist and I guess in a way, I still am. I get to design a pretty sweet website and graphics to go along with my blog posts. I never imaged though that I would grow up to be a psychic medium with a website dedicated to developing your intuition. Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind.
But here I am and I wouldn’t change a thing about my career path or my life. I can’t tell you that running a website is easy or that connecting to spirit all the time isn’t hard on my energy. But I can tell you that there isn’t one day I wake up dreading my work. I love my life, my connection to spirit, and what I do.
I am so honored that spirit put me on this path where I get to not only help others to heal and uncover their authentic selves but I also get to be me, unapologetically.
My life looks nothing like what I had planned but I thank God for that because… it’s so much better.
As I reflect today on the past few years of learning and growing with you guys I want to thank you for your support and share with you my top 10 most popular blog posts of all time!
Top 10 Most Popular Psychic and Intuitive Blog Posts
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