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The Online Spiritual Community – Spotlighting Sarah Petruno

Today’s post is a little less about the specifics of mediumship and little more about community. In the spiritual communities online, there are quite a few special ladies who have helped me along the way and today I would like to take the time to focus on one of them in particular.

Sarah Petruno of

I found Sarah and her sister Amanda through a podcast that they used to produce. When I found them I was elated – two girls close to me in age, both with intuitive gifts, and both speaking out about it. I remember thinking “YES YES YES, where have they been all of my life?”

Immediately I felt a connection to them and that hasn’t changed yet! It’s hard to believe that about 3 years ago I dreamed of connecting with them and now I talk with both of them on a regular basis. What is craziest to me is that like them, I now have my own business designed to bring people closer to spirit and help them develop their own gifts.

The spiritual community can be competitive and occasionally snobby but we are working to change that. If working with spirit is all about universal love, shouldn’t we be spreading that message? That is why today I want to give back and talk about Sarah…on

‘Round these parts, we embrace each other, lift each other up, and spread the good word.

Sarah is a fellow intuitive teacher, shamana, wife, mom, and business woman. Her journey has not been an easy one and she recalls that in her article “How we went from homeless to single income in 9 months.” Her story is incredibly inspiring because of her own life experiences she now teaches other people how to heal their relationship with money.

I have taken her course From Broke to Baller and let me tell you it really did help. I was at a point of wanting to give up…thinking I couldn’t be like the greats. Of course, in perfect timing, her course popped up in my email. Clearly, it was a sign from the universe!

I decided to give it a try, worked through all of the exercises, and within 2 days I was already seeing what the problems were and where they stemmed from. From Broke To Baller wasn’t one of those get rich quick schemes and she didn’t claim for it to be…which I liked! Her program was focused on healing your relationship with money, healing the lack mentality, and realizing that you’re worth it!

Sarah teaches you how to change your thinking, how to look at things from a different perspective, and how to release all of those old thought patterns. In reality, it was much more valuable than I realized at the time. This is because you can apply the practices and techniques to anything in life where you feel lack…not just money.

As a shamana Sarah is a great healer! Recently I had the pleasure of attending one of her group healing sessions and I was blown away! Initially, Sarah had us write down a few things that bothered us over the year and a few things that we wanted to achieve in the coming year. She led us through a meditation and then did the healing on her end.

Obviously, I can’t give away all of her secrets…you will have to find those out for yourself. The one thing I will say is that I could feel the healing energy all around me.

Sarah warned us that a few weeks after we may feel the effects of a spiritual detox and she was right! It wasn’t anything major for me just a few cold-like symptoms that lasted a little over a week and then I felt totally cleansed and recharged!

I highly recommend a healing program by Sarah to anyone that has been feeling lethargic, down in the dumps, and even for my fellow intuitives that do a lot of psychic or energy work!

As an intuitive worker myself, I can tell you that doing a healing such as this takes not only courage and dedication but also heart. Almost all intuitives are empathic to some extent. Healers, however, are usually the most extreme type of empath. That is why I can say without a doubt that a healing like this is done from the heart because the healer is sure to feel the after effects.

I’ve always looked up to Sarah and thought of her as a great teacher, she and Amanda truly helped set the stage for the rest of us. Sarah gives so valuable information away in her blog, her videos, and her classes. She works from her heart and does her best to lift up those in our community. Sarah has even reached out to me personally to let me know that she had been recommending people come to me for spirit guide connections!

As you can see, Sarah Petruno is a gift to us all and she is the true definition of a healer and a friend in the spiritual community. I want to personally thank her for all of her advice, offerings, and healings along the way. Without her and a few other’s in the community, I surely would have given up a long time ago!

I highly recommend you check out Sarah’s blog and offerings here! I stand behind her and her products 100%. I can attest that she is a genuine and loving person! Thank you for being Sarah!

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