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Setting Practical Spiritual Goals. Who Has The Time?


I’m a big-time list maker. I mean, even my lists have list’s. When you have a million things to do, people that need your attention, and adulting that has to get done; it’s easy to let your good intentions fall to the back burner. Many of us set new year’s resolutions or intentions during the month of January. We set out to have the best year ever by saving more money, getting in better shape, and getting back to our spiritual practice.

On average people do great with their resolutions for about 3 weeks and then things start to trickle off. Why is this? Well, life goes on right?

The utility companies never seem to get the memo that you’re trying to save money. Life forgets to slow down so that you can cook three healthy meals a day and the rest of the world doesn’t care that you’re trying to align with your divine. How inconvenient!

The bills still come, life stays busy, and time for meditation is scarce.

There is a way to accomplish all of these things but today I’m going to focus on the spiritual aspect because that is one area that I’ve stayed consistent with! (Ahem, it’s hard to eat right around the holidays. Can a girl get a break?)

If I am one thing, it’s realistic. I know that not everyone has the quiet space and time to meditate multiple times a day throughout the day. It’s not feasible to carve out an hour of “spirit time” each and every day. I get it! These things require energy, a calm and quiet space, and solitude.

Most of you probably have jobs, kids, responsibilities, and an endless list of errands that don’t allow for such peace and tranquility. Again, I get it.

My advice to help you stick to your spiritual goals? Take things at your own pace but make sure you keep it moving.

Start watching an informative video here, fit in your energy reading there, and plan your “ME” time days or weeks in advance. How does one hour twice a month for meditation and practice on your own time sound? Divine, right?!

In The Spirited Life Membership, I have designed a space for busy people to stay committed to their spiritual practice.

Only have 15 minutes of “me time” on your lunch break? Perfect! This is a chance to soak up the monthly energy reading or watch a video explaining the crystal of the month and how to work with it!

Have a few minutes in the car while you drive or wait for the kids to get out of practice? Why not put on a motivational talk to help lift your spirits and get you going again?

The Spirited Life Membership is all about expanding your spiritual practice on your own time. I would love for you to meditate daily, connect with spirit daily, and work through suggested exercises daily but I know it’s not feasible.

Instead, I take a more realistic approach and upload the following exclusive content each month:

  1. A monthly energy reading

  2. Crystal of the month video

  3. Motivational and Self-love video

  4. Then I host a live call where we walk through an amazing meditation, connect with spirit, and you get to ask me your questions! The calls are recorded too so if you can’t make it, no biggie! Go back and listen later…on your own time!

And if you’re still craving more intuitive development and learning material then you can come into the Divine Light Membership where we kick things up a notch!

  1. We have live monthly workshops (also recorded)

  2. A “How-To” Video regarding spirit and intuitive development

  3. And a “Why” Video surrounding spirit and intuitive development

You don’t have to spend hours a day to stay on track with your spiritual practice and you don’t have to feel like you’re alone in this either! Simply jump on a FREE call included in your membership and ask a question that’s been on your mind.

We are a community, growing, expanding, and uplifting each other!

For me a monthly membership really allowed me to check in when I needed to and wanted too. It often gave me the boost I needed to keep going when I wanted to give up. It’s a great way to grow your knowledge and practice on your own time and in your PJ’s.

Keep your spiritual practice on track! Learn with us and grow with us! See ya in the Member’s Area!

*** If you’re ready for a more dive right in (but still at your own pace) type of intuitive development program then I suggest the Intuitive Development And Progression Course. This is a video course that goes over all of the intuitive abilities, how to work with them, and how to connect with your intuition safely and effectively! You can check it out here!

For questions on either program please contact me here!

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