It's been a while, my friends, since you heard from me on the podcast, and a while since I've felt like ME. As a recent blog post mentioned, 2024 was a doozy for many of us!
The energy was meant to change life as we knew it to make space for the life we are meant to have! It was a year of awakening for many, and I firmly believe you have to be shaken to awaken.
When life seems like it's totally falling apart, if you ride the waves instead of pushing against them, you will emerge anew—shinier, brighter, stronger, and more trusting of yourself than ever before!
This year, I felt like an imposter trying to show up for my readers and listeners. I was totally out of alignment with my spiritual practice, what served me, and my higher self. For the first time since I was a kid, I let someone else tell me who I was, and I started to believe them.
The crazy thing is that I saw it, I felt it, but I didn't feel strong enough to stop it. I am grateful for my spiritual practice because I am not sure that I would have made it through 2024 without it.
This Spirited Life Podcast episode is all about losing yourself, returning home to yourself, and navigating your most brutal awakening to emerge shining on the other side with your higher self!
And if this topic speaks to you and you're wondering where to go from here, please know you are worthy of loving yourself, of divine support, and of becoming your highest version!